xpander CLI

The xpander CLI provides a powerful command-line interface for managing your AI agents, tools, and resources. This reference guide covers all available commands and their usage.


npm install -g @xpander/cli

Command Structure

The CLI is organized into the following main command groups:


Authentication commands for logging in and out


Engine configuration and deployment


Agent management and configuration


Tool management for agents


Interface management for agents


Team management for collaborative agents


Organization management


Configuration settings

Global Options

All commands support the following global options:

--helpShow help information
--versionShow CLI version
--jsonOutput in JSON format
--quietSuppress output
--debugShow debug information

Command Structure

├── auth
│   ├── login [--api-key <key>]           # Login via browser or manual API key input
│   └── logout                            # End the current session

├── engine
│   ├── set [--type <engine>] [--region <region>] [--url <custom_url>]
│   │       # Configure the engine (cloud, local, or custom)
│   ├── status                            # Display current engine settings
│   └── deploy [--compose-file <file>]    # Deploy an engine locally

├── agent
│   ├── list                              # List all registered AI Agents
│   ├── details <agent_id>                # Show detailed information
│   ├── instrumentation <agent_id>        # Retrieve instrumentation code
│   ├── configure <agent_id>              # Configure advanced settings
│   ├── tools
│   │   ├── list <agent_id>              # List available tools
│   │   ├── add <agent_id> <tool_name>   # Add a tool
│   │   └── remove <agent_id> <tool_name> # Remove a tool
│   ├── interfaces
│   │   ├── list <agent_id>              # List interfaces
│   │   ├── add <agent_id> <interface>   # Add an interface
│   │   └── remove <agent_id> <interface> # Remove an interface
│   └── team
│       ├── list                          # List all AI Agent Teams
│       ├── create <team_name>            # Create a new team
│       ├── add <team_name> <agent_id>    # Add an agent to a team
│       ├── remove <team_name> <agent_id> # Remove an agent from a team
│       └── delete <team_name>            # Delete an AI Agent Team

├── org
│   ├── list                              # List organizations
│   ├── switch <org_id>                   # Switch organization
│   └── details <org_id>                  # Show organization details

└── config
    ├── view <agent_id>                   # View configuration
    └── set <agent_id> <key> <value>      # Set configuration

## Getting Started

To get started with the xpander CLI:

1. Install the CLI using npm
2. Log in using `xpander auth login`
3. Configure your engine using `xpander engine set`
4. Start managing your agents!

For detailed information about each command, explore the sections in the navigation menu.