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Generating a HAR to use when creating a custom connector

What is a HAR File?

A HAR (HTTP Archive) file records network requests and responses between your browser and the websites you visit. It's useful for debugging issues related to loading and interacting with web applications.

In this case, the xpander connector generator will use HTTP samples from the file in order to enrich the connector with data that will help your agentic application connect to your target system.

Before beginning:

  • Sensitive Information: HAR files can contain sensitive data such as authentication tokens and personal information. Make sure you record the HAR file in a new Chrome Incognito or FireFox Private session, and then close the session.
  • Browser Extensions: Ensure no browser extensions are interfering with the recording. It’s best to disable extensions to get a clean capture.

Step-by-Step Guide to Generate a HAR File

For Google Chrome:

  1. Start an Incognito session
    • Make sure there are no Incognito sessions running, and start a new Incognito session by clicking Ctrl + Shift + N (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + Shift + N (Mac)
  2. Login to your target system
    • Login to the target system for which you wish to create an xpander connector. Make sure you login before starting the recording session
  3. Open Chrome Developer Tools:
    • Press Ctrl + Shift + I (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + Option + I (Mac) to open Developer Tools.
    • Alternatively, right-click on the page and select Inspect.
  4. Navigate to the Network Tab:
    • Click on the Network tab in the Developer Tools pane.
  5. Start Recording:
    • Ensure the red record button at the top left of the Network tab is active. If it's gray, click it to start recording.
    • Check the box next to Preserve log to record all network activity.
  6. Browse through the target system
    • Browse through your target system and perform the actions that your agentic application should be able to call in the target system. The more browsing examples you provide, the better the connector will be.
    • Make sure to cover site functionality like clicking on different objects, as well as filling and submitting forms.
  7. Save the HAR File:
    • Once you finished browsing through the target system, right-click within the network requests pane.
    • Select Save all as HAR with content and save the file to your computer.
  8. Upload the saved HAR file
    • Within the xpander Custom connector creation wizard, upload the HAR file in the relevant step.

For Mozilla Firefox:

  1. Start a Private Browsing session
    • Make sure there are no Private Browsing sessions running, and start a new Private Browisng session by clicking Ctrl + Shift + P
  2. Login to your target system
    • Login to the target system for which you wish to create an xpander connector. Make sure you login before starting the recording session
  3. Open Firefox Developer Tools:
    • Press Ctrl + Shift + E (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + Option + E (Mac) to open Developer Tools.
    • Alternatively, right-click on the page and select Inspect.
  4. Navigate to the Network Tab:
    • Click on the Network tab in the Developer Tools pane.
  5. Start Recording:
    • Under the Settings button (cog), check the box next to Persist Logs to keep the log of network requests.
  6. Browse through the target system
    • Browse through your target system and perform the actions that your agentic application should be able to call in the target system. The more browsing examples you provide, the better the connector will be.
    • Make sure to cover site functionality like clicking on different objects, as well as filling and submitting forms.
  7. Save the HAR File:
    • Once you finished browsing through the target system, right-click within the network requests pane.
    • Under the Settings button (cog) Select Save All As HAR and save the file to your computer.
  8. Upload the saved HAR file
    • Within the xpander Custom connector creation wizard, upload the HAR file in the relevant step.