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Use AI Apps to connect Actions to OpenAI GPTs

Equip your OpenAI GPT with Actions

In this quick tutorial, you'll learn how to create a new OpenAI GPT, and use xpander connectors to equip your GPT with tools (Actions).

  1. Log in to the xpander platform, and go to the Connectors section.
  2. Enable any connector you wish to use by providing authentication details.


If you do not wish to enter your credentials to enable a connector, you can complete this tutorial by using a built-in tool (which does not require your credentials). In that case, do not enable any connectors.

  1. In the xpander console, go to the AI Apps section and click New AI App
  2. In the right panel, click "Connect" next to OpenAI GPTs
  3. In the integration wizard, provide a name for your integration, and click "Start Integration"
  4. If you enabled any connectors in the previous step, select them now, and in the next step, select the Operations (API calls) you would like to have enabled as the GPT actions.


OpenAI GPTs only allow up to 30 Actions (operations) per GPT. Make sure to not cross this limit.


If you haven't enabled any connectors, simply skip this step and select xpander tools.

  1. In the Tools step, select the tools you would like to have enabled as GPT actions.
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions in the xpander console in order to set up the authentication and OpenAI Specification on the OpenAI GPT side.

Congratulations - you equipped your OpenAI GPT with Actions, based on xpander connectors and/or tools.